Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do in Airports or on Airplanes

As airline travel is impacted by Covid-19, now would be a good time to revisit what is and isn’t acceptable in airports and on airplanes. Here are a few to bear in mind when you resume travel: –


  • Prohibited and restricted items. Don’t try to smuggle these items. It will be confiscated, or you could be denied boarding.
  • Travel Documents. Don’t’ pack travel documents in your checked or carry-on luggage. This happens more times than necessary. Place them in a place where it is easily accessible on demand.
  • Electronics (laptops/phones) – After passing through screening, don’t forget to remove them from the bins.
  • Re-packing your carry-on in the security line. Once cleared, best to clear the way and move to an area where you can re-pack
  • Do not take photos in certain areas of the airport (e.g. Immigration and Customs). Please check for posted signs before pulling out. your camera
  • Random Security Selection. Don’t get upset if you are randomly selected. Best to remain calm and comply. Doing otherwise will have you detained for further questioning.
  • Stay Alert. Report any suspicious activity.


  • Please wear a mask. You will not be able to board without one and if you remove it during the flight you could be removed. If you are on a flight, the airline could make an emergency landing and you could be charged for the inconvenience and your non-compliance.
  • Always sanitize. Although the airlines are doing more of this, you can do your part as well.
  • Don’t be late. Cabin doors close 15-20 minutes before departure. Once closed they will not reopen for your – FAA rule.
  • Don’t get drunk and disruptive. This could prompt the crew to make an emergency landing and could have you arrested.
  • Think twice about having coffee or tea. The water quality on an airplane is questionable. Stick to bottled or canned beverages
  • Don’t sit the entire flight—especially on long flights. This can lead to blood clots. Get up and walk the aisle from time to time.
  • If you feel ill, don’t hide it. Please alert the flight crew. They are trained to handle situations such as these.
  • Don’t start taking new meds before flying. The last thing you want is a reaction at 30,000 feet.
  • Don’t get upset or get physical on the aircraft. Not only will you delay the flight, but you can be removed and worse placed on the airline’s no-fly list.
  • Don’t eat what touches the tray table. Even in the age of Covid-19 where flights are sanitized before and after flights, you don’t want to take a chance.
  • Social hygiene. Removing your socks and placing your feet on the armrest ahead of you is unacceptable. You are exposing yourself and your fellow passenger to germs.
  • Stay Hydrated. Try to drink 8oz for every hour of your flight.  Soda and alcoholic beverages do not count

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